- Degree in Medicine & Surgery by Autonomous University of Barcelona 1991.
- Ear Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery speciality, via MIR at the Hospital Universitari of Bellvitge in 1996.
- PhD in Surgery by Autonomous University of Barcelona 1998.
- Official College Number: 27955
- Adjunt Professor in Human Anatomyat Autonomous University of Barcelona 1998 to 2008.
- Ear-Nose-Throat Adjunt Professor at Barcelona University since 2008.
- Numerary Member of Spanish ENT and Head & Neck Surgery Society, of Catalan ENT and Head & Neck Surgery’ Society and Spanish Society of Skull Base Patology.
- Membro of European Rhinologic Society and Medical Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de Balears.
- Correspondant Academic from Royal Catalonian Medicine and Surgery Academy.
- Worked as ENT staff at Sant Llorenç Hospital from Viladecans, Germans Trias i Pujol Universitary Hospital from Badalona and Mútua Hospital from Terrassa.
- ENT Medical staff at Bellvitge Universitary Hospital.
- ENT Residents Tutor of Bellvitge Universitary Hospital 2005 to 2015.
- Participation in multiple courses, conferences and seminars of Otolaryngology, nacionals and internacionals, as an assistant and as a speaker.
- Professor on many Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
Research and Publications
- Publication of numerous articles in national and international journals.
- Research Awards:
- Puigvert Human Anatomy Award;
- Biological Science Research Award of the Catalan Biology Society;
- Award at the 2nd ENT Residents Nacional Conference;
- Anual Award from the Royal Catalonian Medicine & Surgery Academy to the best Doctoral Thesis.
- Special interest areas:
- Pediatric surgery (Laser and radiofrequency techniques).
- Minimal Invasive Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
- Phonosurgery (functional vocal cord surgery)
- Participation as Principal Investor o Colaborator in some Clinical Tryals about Sinonasal Polyposis Treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies